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Website Resmi DPD Partai Demokrat NTB
Partai Demokrat NTB berkomitmen memperjuangkan keadilan, kesejahteraan, dan demokrasi melalui program inovatif di pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Kami siap menjadi jembatan antara rakyat dan pemerintah untuk NTB yang lebih maju.
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A closer look at what can be accomplished if we work together as a society.
Health Care & Your Business
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Left–Right Political Spectrum
The respect for human rights and the principle of holding genuine elections.
Looking to Get Involved?
Want to Become a Campaign Volunteer?
We are looking for motivated and committed volunteers to help at various levels. From petitioning and canvassing to assisting the campaign behind the scenes!
02 December, 2021
Education Association Conference
Please consider making a donation to support future development.
Thank you for the right choice!
The Annual Medicine Meetings
05 FebruariEducation Association Conference
02 AprilBack To School Festival
05 MaretLatest News & Events
The Latest News
How can we get our country back on track? How to preserve our Constitution? All these core questions have been evolving in our minds for years.
We believe, that to bring our economic and social life to the new level, we must use non-standard and non-traditional means in our work.
What People Say About Me
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Informasi Kontak
Jl. Demokrasi No. 14,
Kota Mataram, NTB